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Geschrieben am Samstag, 23. November 2013, 09:31 von online colleges

There are no words to describe how bodacious this is.

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Geschrieben am Samstag, 23. November 2013, 01:45 von auto insurance

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Full of salient points. Don't stop believing or writing!

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Mighty useful. Make no mistake, I appreciate it.

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Geschrieben am Mittwoch, 20. November 2013, 17:20 von

Super informative writing; keep it up.

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Geschrieben am Mittwoch, 20. November 2013, 03:15 von Cheap Car Insurance Quote

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Geschrieben am Dienstag, 19. November 2013, 19:42 von buy cheap cialis daily

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Geschrieben am Samstag, 16. November 2013, 18:34 von afforadble health insurnce

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Geschrieben am Samstag, 16. November 2013, 06:38 von Car Insurance in state of new york

So that's the case? Quite a revelation that is.

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Geschrieben am Freitag, 25. Oktober 2013, 15:46 von CugkLiig

Does anyone know where to buy bin lierns which biodegrade? I failed to find any in a recent hunt. We are in rural West Dorset and do not have wheelie bins our rubbish has to be in a bag and is thrown into an open topped lorry so it has to be contained in something.Also, I haven't seen any bags for sale for swing bin/pedal bins and the small compostable bags I use for kitchen waste are too small for these purposes. I used to think I was doing quite well using my old Tesco carrier bags twice once for shopping and then to put my rubbish in I know see the error of my ways! » [url=]xkwfnlccb[/url] [link=]fsbpawmb[/link]

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Geschrieben am Freitag, 25. Oktober 2013, 15:26 von Mauro

TURN THOSE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS OFF!IтАЩve never seen the Marine Theatre as full as it was for the launch of Turn Lyme Green. тАШWell doneтАЩ to the oigenrzars. After plastics, I hope the next focus of attention will be energy conservation.IтАЩm astonished to see that some people are still covering the outside of their houses with Christmas lights and illuminated Santas. In some areas, neighbours compete with each other to see who can pile on the most and leave them on for longer. WHY? It's for the children , I hear. Is wasting energy a good example to set for the next generation? But it's for charity . CanтАЩt some other way can be found to raise money?Children used to enjoy Christmas quite happily with just a few fairy lights on a tree.The Council is promising us Christmas lights that are better than ever . Does this mean theyтАЩll use even more electricity? Perhaps they can make sure theyтАЩre not turned on in daylight or left on too late. Also, there are many local shops that leave their doors wide open in winter, some with heaters right above the doorway. Apart from wasting their own money, theyтАЩre contributing to global warming twice: both in the generation of the power they use and by directly heating the air outside. If enough customers draw attention to it, maybe theyтАЩll think again.We wonтАЩt need any more nuclear power stations to be built if we simply USE LESS POWER. The I can afford it therefore I can squander it attitude is no longer OK. LetтАЩs look forward to seeing the first wind turbines on a hilltop in Dorset. They could be another tourist attraction. » [url=]ypxihwzzz[/url] [link=]lzmjuak[/link]

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Geschrieben am Freitag, 25. Oktober 2013, 15:26 von Swapnil

Well done, let's keep up the good work!Could turnlymegreen bulk buy bio-degradable bags and conietnars, and sell them locally? This would encourage us to use them instead of plastics, and would be cheaper than buying individually from the manufacturers. It would also bring the costs down, as more towns do the same.It would be good to get a professional who deals with recycling to talk to us and answer questionss about what is done with the various materials. It could also encourage the recyclers to deal with more plastics such as yoghort conietnars which are not currently recycled.What about asking the manager of Axminster Tesco to come and speak to us? Most of the rubbish comes from Tesco, and they need to be put under pressure to change their packaging and recycle I would like to see all supermarkets having recycling bins in their carparks. » [url=]twvshrozsx[/url] [link=]uqbdyocyxwl[/link]

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Geschrieben am Freitag, 25. Oktober 2013, 15:25 von Masoud

The Turn Lyme Green effort is fine. I plonrsaley prefer string bags, which I have used for many years. They stretch to hold nearly a cubic yard of items, yet scrunch into a ball smaller than a fist, small enough to go into a pocket. I order them for a32 each plus VAT (a price that would come down for larger orders) and they are on sale now at Jalito's; I also persuaded stallholders at Axminster market to carry them, and have some more that I will be offering to some other shop in Lyme or Uplyme. Once you get used to carrying your own string bag around, you find its endless convenience addictive, and enjoy rejecting shops' bags everywhere from Lyme to London to Palermo.Lyme cannot become plastic-bag free as long as people can come into shops bagless and have to be given bags. There are only two ways: For plastic bags actually to be banned by law, as in (parts of?) France. Or for the majority of people, not just Lymians but tourists, to be accustomed to carrying their own bags around. I feel that string bags are the appealing idea most likely to spread. » [url=]zisffkiyek[/url] [link=]gvysgrmcrn[/link]

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Geschrieben am Freitag, 25. Oktober 2013, 12:47 von Nay

Nice.Just curious: In your scehsnerot, how does it look if you select backup and ?Also, as someone wrote to the mailing list; it's good with choices, but letting the user decide the selection look (plugin based), isn't that a little bit overkill? I would rather see a good default one.

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Geschrieben am Donnerstag, 24. Oktober 2013, 05:22 von management degrees online healthcare

Thank you for you comments. In regards to the bottom line–if I had to some it all up I would say that it is the ideas behind racism that give it its life. These need to be studied and digested so that one can battle the negative messages that have long been part of this social problem. It is bascially our ideas of good and bad, right and wrong and their association with black and white that are at the root of this problem. As far as the source–this comes from the intuitions. You will not find this material in any textbook or conventional account. you must be the judge, ultimately of what I have written. If it speaks to you then this should tell you more than any outside expert. Let your own intuition be the judge. All the best, Steve Boston

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Geschrieben am Donnerstag, 24. Oktober 2013, 01:51 von history online masters degree

this in Celeste’s post, I think the key thing is to make the heading stand out compared to the rest of the text. That way people’s brains subconsciously identify it as something distinct. This makes it easy to scan headers while ignoring their contents, scan contents while ignoring headers, and move between the two. On the other hand, Celeste’s point about needing to identify the header as clearly belonging with its contents is important as well. I think the current mockup does a good job of grouping the header with the contents, but could do a better job of making the header stand out. One idea that occurred to me is a tweak of the gradient. Currently the gradient looks linear. What I would suggest is keep the gradient smooth, but make it non-linear around the header. A good way to do that would be to have the gradient smooth up to just below the header, then get darker more quickly for a few pixels, then go flat just before reaching the text. The whole thing would still be fully blended and smooth, it is just the rate of transition that would vary. Another way would be to make it have a smooth transition up to just before the text, then have it reverse direction briefly, then reverse again and go back to where it left off. Basically sort of give the header a look like the slope of the transition is smooth, then speeds up just before the header and then has the header on a flat plateau. If you do something like that, with a smooth transition followed by a still smooth but different transition your mind should tell you subconsciously “this is something different”, even though it would still be considered part of the same group.I also echo the request for rounded corners and different colors. I also prefer to the system settings look in general, including for dolphin. I don’t see the advantage of the dolphin look.

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Geschrieben am Montag, 21. Oktober 2013, 03:49 von best and cheapest place to order viagra cialis

Credit card companies won’t settle unless you are drastically past due….at least 3 months or more. Not all creditors will settle if you go past due…rather, they’ll take you to court instead. Most do offer hardship programs…but only if you’ve fallen behind in your payments. When you sign up with a debt consolidation firm, the program involves deliberately ceasing payments to all your creditors to force your accounts into default to attempt settlements for less. Your credit card companies will deliberately not be paid so that all the accounts will default/charge-off so that they can attempt settlements at around 50%. If you are current on your accounts, this process will ruin your credit rating. You can never predict how your creditors will respond to the deliberate defaulting of your accounts…they might settle at 50%…or they might serve you a summons, take you to court…and if they win, you could be looking at wage garnishment.A better option may be to enter a debt management plan through a non profit credit counseling firm like CCCS. They can negotiate reduced payments and interest but NOT settlements. Contact your local Red Cross or use this site for a referral: If the CCCS does not work and you’ve exhausted all other means, then you should think about filing for Chapter 7-

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Geschrieben am Montag, 21. Oktober 2013, 03:49 von buy viagara

Credit card companies won’t settle unless you are drastically past due….at least 3 months or more. Not all creditors will settle if you go past due…rather, they’ll take you to court instead. Most do offer hardship programs…but only if you’ve fallen behind in your payments. When you sign up with a debt consolidation firm, the program involves deliberately ceasing payments to all your creditors to force your accounts into default to attempt settlements for less. Your credit card companies will deliberately not be paid so that all the accounts will default/charge-off so that they can attempt settlements at around 50%. If you are current on your accounts, this process will ruin your credit rating. You can never predict how your creditors will respond to the deliberate defaulting of your accounts…they might settle at 50%…or they might serve you a summons, take you to court…and if they win, you could be looking at wage garnishment.A better option may be to enter a debt management plan through a non profit credit counseling firm like CCCS. They can negotiate reduced payments and interest but NOT settlements. Contact your local Red Cross or use this site for a referral: If the CCCS does not work and you’ve exhausted all other means, then you should think about filing for Chapter 7-

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Geschrieben am Montag, 21. Oktober 2013, 00:36 von university online degree programs

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Geschrieben am Montag, 21. Oktober 2013, 00:36 von nd degree online

Thanks for the suggestions about cedirt repair on all of this site. A few things i would offer as advice to people is always to give up the actual mentality that they can buy currently and pay later. As being a society we tend to make this happen for many things. This includes vacation trips, furniture, as well as items we want. But, it is advisable to separate your own wants from all the needs. While you are working to fix your cedirt score you have to make some trade-offs. For example it is possible to shop online to economize or you can look at second hand retailers instead of costly department stores regarding clothing.

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Geschrieben am Samstag, 19. Oktober 2013, 09:44 von Dimitrije

Great work! I personally perfer your second version with alternating colors (without the small lines on the right side + rounded corners as mentioned above). I'm not sure if the fading background (first versions) fits in the existing design. Are there any fading backgrounds in kde4 yet? I know there are several apps with alternating backgrounds (like in dolphins list-view, amarok etc.).Finally, all your versions are a great improvement! Thanks for your work!

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Geschrieben am Samstag, 19. Oktober 2013, 09:44 von Rani

Thanks for your feedback yeollw.submarine, it can be done, why not. I find it a neat idea, and write it down. Yes, I really like it.Diederik, thanks , and sure, you will see more changes, KDE4 is evolving constantly to our first version, 4.0.Vide, I think is some kind of problem with your distribution or system. These videos are recorded always with xvidcap or recordmydesktop (usually the former). Sorry, I can't help you here Thanks again !!

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Geschrieben am Samstag, 19. Oktober 2013, 09:40 von Bolawana

Very nice Thanks very much for your work on this!It is incredible, KDE4 will rock even more than what I hoeppd By polishing , I'm sure you meant the border, inner-light border and background gradient (all from the original mockup) But the most important thing is that you should not blue-color the icons anymore when selected.It was good in the past because only icons were blue-colored.But now, it seems like the selected files/folders are hidden and/or cutted, they seem grayed/made transparent (because of the background blue color).

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Geschrieben am Samstag, 19. Oktober 2013, 09:12 von Sammy

4.2 is not even out yet and things like this are alderay going to be only in 4.3. IMHO this really shows that KDE's freezes are too strict. This change is a usability improvement (as evidenced by Seele's analysis), it has no drawbacks (unlike some usability improvements which remove or hide things), it doesn't even change any strings and it almost certainly will be done before the 4.2 release. So may I ask why, other than it's a feature and no new features are allowed in 4.2 red tape, this isn't going into 4.2?

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Geschrieben am Samstag, 19. Oktober 2013, 08:50 von Vergie

Hi, I do not know if its your field, but concerning the systgmsettines it is not only the category view. It is the naming of the categories, the naming of the single setting and what is put in the advanced tab or not (which btw is not really needed when there are not so many icons). Unfortunately I am to tired to look up an example, but general feeling is that it is often confusing at least when you are not so computer savy and a problem to find something. As an experienced KDE user you know where what is. Would be great if along with the optical improvements the inner logic of the system settings cold be improved too.

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